Welcome to AIDummyTales.com
The collection of simple LGBTQ+ AI-generated stories designed to bring joy and warmth to your day. Let’s celebrate love, diversity, and smiles together!
Start Your JourneyThe collection of simple LGBTQ+ AI-generated stories designed to bring joy and warmth to your day. Let’s celebrate love, diversity, and smiles together!
Start Your JourneyLetter 1, June 24th, 2150, Sent from Earth, Received on Mars
Dear Leon,
I write this letter with a heavy heart. I’ve been selected for the mission to colonize Proxima B. I know we always dreamt about exploring the stars, but I didn’t imagine doing it without you. I hope you understand.
I’ll be gone for 100 Earth years, but with the time dilation, I’ll only age by seven. When you receive this letter, I will be in cryosleep, speeding towards the new world.
I’m scared, Leon. But I take solace in knowing that I’ll carry our love with me, even light-years away.
With all my love, Alastair
Letter 2, July 5th, 2150, Sent from Mars, Received on the Spaceship
Dear Alastair,
Your letter arrived today. I tried to be happy for you, but I’m drowning in my solitude. The red Martian dust is nothing compared to the stardust in your eyes.
Please, stay safe. And remember, our love is as vast as the Universe itself.
Forever yours, Leon
Letter 3, December 25th, 2157, Sent from Proxima B, Received on Mars
Dear Leon,
Merry Christmas! I have landed safely. The new world is beautiful. We have named our village “Stella Nova”. I think you’d love it here.
I miss you every day. Every sunrise here reminds me of your smile, every star in the night sky mirrors your eyes.
Yours till the stars fall, Alastair
Letter 4, February 14th, 2158, Sent from Mars, Received on Proxima B
Dear Alastair,
Happy Valentine’s Day! Your words bring me comfort. The village sounds charming. I am glad you are safe and well.
Until we meet again, remember, I love you more than all the stars in the Universe.
Always yours, Leon
Letter 5, June 24th, 2160, Sent from Proxima B, Received on Mars
Dear Leon,
Happy anniversary! I’ve sent you a gift, a small sapling from Proxima B. Plant it somewhere on Mars and let it grow. Let it symbolize our love, growing and thriving despite the distance.
I miss you. But remember, even light-years away, we are under the same stars.
Forever in love, Alastair
Today, if you visit Mars, you can see a full-grown tree, the only one of its kind, standing tall against the red landscape. It’s known as the “Love Tree”, a symbol of love that transcends time and space.
And on Proxima B, in the village of Stella Nova, there is a statue of two men, gazing at the stars. A plaque reads: “For Leon and Alastair, whose love knew no bounds”.
Their story continues to inspire and bring smiles to the faces of everyone in the galaxy. Their love, like the universe itself, remains infinite and forever expanding.